Tag: "photos"

That Special Moment...

src="http://www.piquantery.com/img/Misc/that-special-moment/that-special-moment26.jpg" alt="" width="570" height="624" /> These next few pictures are collections of some special moments which can make you angry, make you smile, or completely change you… suite »

Highly Creative Self-Portraits Images

As an art director for the last 10 years, Pierre Beteille sees his self-portraits as a way to creatively express himself, a way to make the ideas in his head come to life. But don’t call Pierre an artist or photographer. Why? Because.... suite »

Additions to the photos

The author shows his vision of the world, even if only on a photo. Excellent work. suite »

Le jour de la Terre (2010)

  LE 22 avril, était le Jour de la Terre. Depuis 1970 ça a été une journée consacrée à se rappeler et apprécier l'environnement de la Terre.  En tant que moyen d'aider à apprécier et respecter notre environnement, The Big Picutre a rassemblé 39 images… suite »