300 pour refaire une route.

Plongeons synchronisé

Attentat raté

Awesome Collection of Olympic Posters from 1908-2016

Tu sais que t'habite un ghetto quand...

Plusieurs véhicules en feu sur l'autoroute métropolitaine - Vidéo amateur

Shower thoughts

Images avec pensées qui ne servent à rien mais font sourire!

Incredible 41 shot rally - Men's Singles Table Tennis | Unmissable Moments

This stadium is 2,578 years old and seats 50,000 people. It's still in use.

Bon lundi!


Hymne National ('O Canada') SRC / CBC (1980-1990)

Comment quitter sa job - NSFW

Japanese Donald Trump Commercialトランプ2016

Nintendo Power gratuits

Poké Wars - Copie chinoise louche

U.S. Presidential candidates and their positions on various issues visualized

Footage: China’s Transit Elevated Bus starts test run on road

Bus Molotov'd in Paris - NSFW

Los Angeles Firemen Records Water Bomber Dropping Fire Retardant Over The Wildfires