Catégorie: "Actualité"

Pendant ce temps au Japon

Des images-choc d'un remonte-pente incontrôlable font le tour du monde

Mathieu Bock-Côté en France

2 visions

Damn not chewbaca

Tire d'été - 15 Mars

Tommy Wiseau’s Joker Audition Tape (Nerdist Presents)

Test de patience - Longueuil

A 'beer sommelier' explains how pouring a beer the wrong way can give you a stomach ache

Professional Tag Game at the World Chase Tag Championships

Police, on arrive!

Beat Saber- VR game

Bloc Québecois - Martine The last Jedi

The evil 'knife wielding tentacle' 1080p HQ

Bon lundi!

Créer des objets « inconfortables »

Pokemon XY Opening Theme - Château Frontenac

Notable testimony from the Baltimore Police Gun Trace Task Force corruption trial

"» Ward said the officers kept BB guns in their vehicles “in case we accidentally hit somebody or got into a shootout, so we could plant them.” He did not say whether the officers ever planted a BB gun on anyone." suite »

Hilarious Killer Whale approaches boat to immitate motor sounds

A wave under the ice endangers people